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Returnstar Technology Co., Ltd.

Company Profile
Returnstar Technology specializes in the production of network security devices, interactive whiteboards£¬recovery card and computer peripherals. In just a few short years, our co***ny has earned the trust of buyers in Europe, the US and Asia. We've made great strides in R&D as proven by the establishment of our own R&D center in 2003. Because of this, we are able to bring you advanced products such as the interactive whiteboard and recovery card among others. We can also develop products with multiple language support: simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, ***nish, German, Portuguese, and Turkish. We are more than capable of rendering your design and functionality requirements so call us today to learn more.

Contact Us
Company: Returnstar Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Ms. joy hong
Address: C, 19/F, International Building,210 Wusi Road, Fuzhou, Fujian,China
Postcode: 350003
Tel: 86 591 87274373
Fax: 86 591 87274383

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